World’s first portable with 120TB removable storage

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120TB+ Removable Storage

120TB SSD Storage

Now available with more than 120TB of removable SSD storage, the NetPAC-RHD16 is the most powerful portable server on the planet.

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The most powerful portable server on the planet

Maximum performance portable


COTS computer for network capture / cyber security

Drives removable individually or in packs of four

MilPAC-I top view handle

Ultra high throughput removable media pack

16 Drive portable server

1st rate cooling - massive expansion - transportable COTS workstation with PCIe expansion slots

Most powerful portable: NetPAC-RHD-16

The brief? Make the most powerful portable computer on the planet.  Oh – and all the drives must be removable.  Must be capable of copying a high speed network in real time.  Can you make it so it fits in between 19″ rack rails?


Best in the Industry

There has never been a portable server like the NetPAC-RHD-16.  Dual Xeon processors.  1TB RAM. 120TB+ of removable, high speed, high reliability SSD drives.  Separate removable system drive.


Reliable Operation

Robust aluminum construction and attention to detail ensure that the NetPAC-RHD16 just works when you get to the work-site.  Micron 5200 series SSDs are robust and reliable.


Configured for your application

Maybe you don’t need the most powerful portable computer ever built?  We can build the NetPAC-RHD16 with significantly less costly components, tailored to meet your real-world requirements.


Seize the moment

Right now, you can get a quote for the NetPAC-RHD16.  Click here->

Product Highlights


Intel Xeon Processors


Cores Max


CAC Card reader in keyboard

The NetPAC-RHD-16 is the most powerful portable on the planet.  If you would like more information or a quotation, please visit

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